Day 22: "All the way home."

"The calling of a first-century disciple was to become like the disciple's master... It was an invitation to experience, absorb, and imitate them—to become like them."

   —From Ch. 22 ("Contagious Kingdom"), Jesus Journey

"Come follow me" says Jesus to me....what does that look like today? How does that look right now in my life? 

Nineteen years ago—on May 6, 1998—my husband, Randy, followed Jesus, His master, all the way home.  Nineteen years ago I asked Jesus how to follow him through death, through painful loss, through young widowhood, through single parenting of three young daughters in a Muslim country....

Because I wanted to be like Jesus in it all....every day....every night.

My eldest daughter's husband, Trent, reminded me again in his book that Jesus was:

"deeply rooted in the love of Abba Father"

"anointed with the Holy Spirit's power"

What Jesus said to His disciples, He says to me today:

Daughter, "celebrate that Abba Father knows you, that Abba Father loves you, and that Abba Father is for you."

For years now I have found great comfort and inspiration in Hebrews 12:2, applying its message directly to my life: "Fix your eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of your faith..."

During those years, as I walked through the streets of Izmir, Turkey, sometimes very discouraged, I would sing softly the song:

"Turn your eyes upon Jesus, look full in His wonderful face. And the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace."

And now I once again celebrate this profound truth: that my Master, my Jesus, was "deeply rooted in the love of Abba Father" and "anointed with the Holy Spirit's power." 

I so much want to be like Him, to experience Him, to absorb Him, to imitate Him, right where I am today—whether at the kitchen table helping my cherub-faced feisty granddaughter eat her lunch, or talking to a neighbor while hanging up laundry outside, or praying with someone who walked into the church looking for answers, or comforting a friend who's husband is in prison for his faith, or being mocked by people who I've invited to church, or sitting quietly with my lovely daughters and son-in-love, talking about God's grace to us these past nineteen years...

Today's guest post is by my mother-in-love/law, Bonnie Lutz (aka "Mom Bonnie"), whom I dearly love and truly admire, and from whom I've learned so much: "Trent is my son-in-love, married to my eldest daughter, Rebekah Bronwyn. I am a sower and waterer of seeds—seeds of truth, seeds of faith, seeds of hope, love, comfort, and healing....seeds of prayer, seeds of deliverance...seeds of song, dance, joy, and Turkey, the country which has been my home for 28 years."

Photo credits: Chelsea Hudson